Thursday 16 September 2010



How quickly will it make a difference? After six to eight weeks of twice-weekly matches.

How many calories does it burn? 476 per hour in a singles match or 340 in a doubles.

Will it keep me motivated? Tennis is competitive and in the summer there is nothing better than heading outdoors to a tennis court. However, your motivation to play can be dampened somewhat when it comes to seeking out indoor courts over the winter months.

Specific benefits The power for a shot is initiated from ground level - the strength for a great serve is provided by the push off from the quadriceps in your thighs. Sharp turns and twists put the abdominals and upper body through a vigorous workout, holding the racket and hitting the ball exercises your arms and shoulders, and your forearms absorb the impact from the ball contact.

Risk factors It works one side of the body more than the other, so muscle imbalance is common unless you work on your less-dominant side in the gym.


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