Thursday 16 September 2010



How quickly will it make a difference? Two to three weeks if playing three times a week.

How many calories does it burn? 748 per hour.

Will it keep me motivated? Undoubtedly. It is sociable and, if you join a club, there will be coaching and a league structure.

Specific benefits Recently rated the number-one healthy sport - ahead of rowing - by Forbes magazine, squash is easier to learn than tennis and you can play all year round. It also helps to improve the strength of your legs, arms and core region.

Risk factors There is a sporty adage that goes: "You don't play squash to get fit, you get fit to play squash." Because it is so physically demanding, researchers at Liverpool John Moores University recently warned older and unfit people not to launch into it full-pelt as it could put unnecessary strain on the heart and body.


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