Sunday 19 September 2010


What is a Treadmill?

Woman Running on a TreadmillTreadmills (often referred to as running machines) are pieces of cardio equipment used for running, jogging or walking whilst remaining in one place.

A treadmill provides a moving platform by means of a running deck and belt. The belt is powered by an electric motor and moves from the front of the treadmill to the rear, allowing the person to walk opposite to the direction of the belt.

Why Purchase a Treadmill?

Treadmill manufacturers are continually reducing their manufacturing costs. This means you can now purchase a reliable home use treadmill for under £1,000 and a cheap budget treadmill for under £500!

In the UK we have unpredictable weather patterns throughout the year, also as winter approaches we have fewer hours of daylight. Because of this, walking, jogging and running outside can prove to be quite difficult. With a treadmill you can walk, jog or run in the safety and comfort of your own home, rain or shine!

Fitness Benefits of Using Treadmills

  • Less Impact on Joints - Running on a treadmill reduces the impact on your joints compared to running on pavements or road surfaces. To further reduce the impact you can purchase a treadmill with an orthopaedic belt.

  • Reduces Stress - Using a treadmill helps reduce stress. During cardio vascular exercise endorphins are released into the bloodstream from the pituitary gland. The release of endorphins creates a natural high and a feeling of well-being, which helps relieve stress.

  • Increases Energy Levels - Exercise of any kind will increase your energy levels, and running on a treadmill is one of the best forms of exercise to help increase your overall energy.

  • Increases Lung Capacity - Long distance running on a treadmill will help improve your lung capacity. Improving your lung capacity will make you stronger and healthier.

  • Increase Bone Density - The impact of running on a treadmill overloads the selected structure and causes the body to increase the density of weight bearing bones in an effort to accommodate the stress of the activity.

  • Increased Calorie Burn - Because running on a treadmill is a weight bearing exercise it burns more calories in comparison to exercising with Rowing Machines or Exercise Bikes.

Features of a Modern Treadmill

  • Treadmill Motor - The electric motor is the heart of the treadmill, without it the treadmill is useless. Motor power/output is measured in horsepower (HP) the higher the HP the stronger and more efficient the treadmill will be. Always look for at least 1.75HP motor, if you plan to run long distances then look for at least a 2.0HP motor

  • Treadmill Belt - The belt should be long enough and wide enough to accommodate your running style, if you plan to do a lot of running then look for a belt with a width of 50cm (20") and a length of 140cm (55").

  • Treadmill Speed - The maximum speed of a treadmill will vary between models. Mid range and commercial treadmills have maximum speeds of 20kph (12mph). To give you an idea of speed, world class runners run at an average speed of 20kph during a marathon!

  • Treadmill Incline (Elevation) - If you plan to do a lot of uphill walking or running then look for a treadmill with an incline of 10%. Thankfully most mid range treadmills incline to 10% (some incline to 12%).

  • Treadmill Console & Programmes - Nowadays most treadmills come with built in computer displays that enable you to select customised workouts, speed, incline and other options. If you get bored easily whilst exercising it might be worth investing in a treadmill that has a range of different programmes as this will help you stay motivated.

  • Maximum User Weights - Always check the maximum user weight of a treadmill before you purchase. Budget treadmills usually have maximum user weights of around 100kg / 16 stone whilst mid range treadmills have maximum user weights of around 130kg / 20 stone.

  • Treadmill Warranty - Always check the treadmill warranty before purchasing. Most treadmills come with parts and labour warranty, which means you won't have to repair the treadmill yourself if something goes wrong. As a general rule, mid range and commercial treadmills will have better warranties in comparison to cheap budget treadmills.

  • Treadmill Accessories - You can purchase many accessories for your treadmill. At Fitness Superstore we offer accessories such as: Floor protector Mats, Extended Treadmill Warranties, Heart Rate Monitors and much more.

Different Types of Treadmills

Folding Treadmills - If you are short on space a folding treadmill is the answer. The key when purchasing a folding treadmill is how ease it folds, it's stability and the maximum user weight of the treadmill.

Non-Folding Treadmills - If you have the space a non-folding treadmill is ideal. Non-folding treadmills tend to be slightly more stable compared to folding treadmills.

Commercial Treadmills - Commercial treadmills are suited for a commercial environment such as a health club or gym. Commercial treadmills are designed for heavy usage throughout their lifetime, which is why you will find such good warranties on commercial treadmills.


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