Monday 23 August 2010

Aspall Cyder


John Chevallier, born in Aspall Hall in 1933, was the man who really changed and developed Aspall into a bigger business. After a distinguished career in the Navy he took over the business from his father in 1970. With two small children it really was quite a brave decision to leave the stability and security of a good career in the Navy, especially as there was only one member of staff working at the cyder house, and Aspall's traditional pub market was under pressure from breweries buying more and more pubs and restricting them to approved product lists.

So, he made the decision to go into apple juice and cyder vinegar production as well as making cyder. Starting off with a few health food shops in London, the business soon expanded and it was not long before supermarkets started to show an interest in the products that he produced.

By 1980 Aspall had started to produce English apple juice under own label for one or two supermarkets. As the 80's progressed, John Chevallier began producing cyder vinegar and then wine vinegar for these same customers. All the while the demand for his organic apple juice and cyder vinegar continued while the cyder continued to be sold through off-licenses in East Anglia.

In 1993 after more than 20 years successfully growing the business John Chevallier retired, handing over the reigns to his two sons Barry and Henry Chevallier.


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